Pike Cichlid Won't Eat 10/11/05
Hello, great site.
< Thanks>
I have a 55 gallon (soon to be a 110 gallon) with a tiger Oscar, Jack Dempsey, golden pike, Pleco, and angelica cat. Each fish is about two inches except the Oscar who is three inches. My question is about the pike. I've had him for about three months. I've been feeding him sinking pellets and flakes because of the Oscar and Dempsey, they eat everything if it
floats at the top. With the flakes and the pellets he would get his share.
However recently he hasn't been eating, but his behavior hasn't changed. He swims around the tank the same, he even comes out of his cave which he made in between three pieces of slate when I feed them. He takes in the food but spits it
out, he does this with the flakes and the pellets, I've tried different kinds of pellets but he acts the same.
The water in the tank is fine with all levels where they should be. Is he sick of the food? If so I don't know what to do. Any advice you have would be appreciated, thank you. Jimmy K
< Pike cichlids eat other fish in nature. When they are small themselves they nibble on other things until they get big enough to eat other fish. Try some live food live small earthworms. They will get imprinted on these items and that makes it difficult to get them on other foods. So feed them live or frozen food once a week. A little pike do ...
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- In Google FAQs on Cichlid Foods/Feeding/Nutrition
- In Wikipedia FAQs on Cichlid Foods/Feeding/Nutrition