5 Pros & 5 Cons of Undergravel Filtration

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I was blessed to have James Lawrence of Microcosm Publishing as my editor/mentor while penning “The Conscientious Marine Aquarist” in the mid-nineties, though we did have some decidedly contrary opinions re gear selection… particularly the use of undergravel filters!             “Those things (U/G) are old, outdated, a nuisance to maintain…” James position… I told him, “Look”, if a customer comes into a retail store with only so much money, looking for a “complete” set-up, freshwater or marine, the retailer is not going to tell them: Gee, you don’t have enough money for an outside power filter, or protein skimmer… or such, but sell them what WILL work for the given sum they have on hand… Very often this will be an undergravel filter!” The DO work… though those rascally plates and various types of riser tubes, beneath tank drillings, other means, air and power to move water through them… do have their shortcomings and downsides.              Well, here are mine (and David Boruchowitz’s, TFH Editor) reasons for and against (yes, you can… and if you’re old/experienced enough, should) these “ancient” yet still funct ...
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