Toxotes jaculatrix (Archer Fish)Class: Order: Family: Scientific Name:Toxotes jaculatrix Other Scientific Name(s):Sciaena jaculatrix, Toxotes jaculator Common Name:Archer Fish Distribution: Diet:Carnivorous. Live foods; in time may take frozen foods. If kept in a specialized specie tank, will perform "archery" skills - shooting insects off leaves with an expertly aimed stream of water from its mouth. Shield light fittings, which can make dagerous targets, and install a cover, since the fish may even leap at the prey. Temperament:Archers are generally peaceful and not too nervous if kept in small groups of like-sized specimens; otherwise, large individuals may pick on smaller ones. Sexing: Breeding:Egg-layer. Special Care: Other Comments:These fish are a brackish water fish, and must have salt in the water. Provide a spacious tank with open swimming areas, and maintain conditions carefully; Archers will not survive if kept too cool. They must be given live prey items; by these from shops selling supplies for reptile-keepers. Species StatsMin. Tank Size:55 gallons Temperature:77 - 86 °F pH:7.6 - 8.0 Max Size:9.5 inches
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