Archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix ) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Common Name: Archerfish, Archer Fish, 7 Spot Archerfish

Scientific Name: Toxotes chatareus/Toxotes jaculatrix
Origin: Southeast Asia, Australia
Adult Length: Potentially 12 inches
Minimum Tank Size: 65 Gallons
Water Requirements: Archerfish thrive in brackish to marine water, a SG of 1.010 or so will do just fine.
Diet Requirements: Varied meaty diet. They will readily accept most meaty food, such as krill, mysis shrimp and mussel. Crickets are also an excellent food provided they are gut-loaded and occasionally dusted.
Sexing: Unknown
Breeding: Unknown or at least very difficult
General Information: This profile article covers two very closely related species Toxotes jaculatrix, Archerfish and the more commonly seen Toxotes chatareus, Seven Spot Archerfish. The main difference between the two species is that Toxotes chatareus has 7 spots, more accurately described as vertical stripes, starting at the eye and ending at the caudel fin. Often these bands are broken into blotches but are still in allignment vertically and counted as one. In other cases the eye spot may appear to be missing but should always be counted anyway. Toxotes jaculatrix on the other hand has only six vertical stripes of similar arrangement. Toxotes chatareus is said to grow larger than Toxotes jaculatrix and is thought to possess a more aggr ...
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