Superfamily Viviparacea , Family Ampullariidae ,Genus Pomacea is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Welcome to the Genus Pomacea part of the site.This tells you only about the different species, and not about the care of Applesnails.Go to Stijn Ghesquire's excellent Applesnailsite for more information.It also tells you about anatomy,ecology and embryology to name just a few things.

Pomacea (Perry,1810) Species with thin,globose shells with ovate apertures.They have an open umbilicus. The eggs are laid outside the water and have a large variation in color and size. They have a long siphon,and can be found in rivers,lakes,canals,swamps and streams, with plenty of vegetation. The species are difficult to identify,the number ranges between 75 and 150. All Applesnails have separated sexes. Most of them will never be found in aquatic shops.

Pomacea paludosa This is the largest freshwater snail of Florida and Cuba,about 40-70 mm high. The color of the shell is greenish to brownish with dark spiral bands. It is sometimes eaten,although it can be host of a dangerous nematode. They are often collected for the use in aquaria,although it can eat all the plants. In Cuba they are able to live in relatively acid waters.

Pomacea poeyana A Cuban species,medium in size with a conical,low spire.The color can be variable, but is usually whitish with cream and dark bands.They live in shallow waters with muddy bottoms,such as rice-fields.

Pomacea haustrum This species lives in Brazil and the Amazon river region and has a medium to large size shell.The colo ...

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