Catfish Study Group (UK) Convention, 2006 is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.
Categories : English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, CATFISH, SYNODONTIS, Other Aquarium Articles, People and their aquariums, Marina Parha
Sometimes, looking back at things, I wonder how I managed to do anything in my life. Always late, always in a hurry, always having a million and one excellent reasons why I can’t do what I want to. But this was not an occasion to be missed. So armed with my camera and a friend who was nominated “navigator” for the event, I set off from Manchester at 6 pm – to allow me to be at Wigan on time. Forty five minutes drive, at most. The conference was starting at 7.30 pm with the Friday evening meal and discussion. Well, good intentions don’t always work (at least mine). An hour later we were driving straight into Scotland. A quick look at the map (if everything else fails check your map) confirmed we had joined the motorway at the wrong junction. We had to turn back .. on a motorway absolutely jampacked. Oh joy ……. We eventually arrived at the Britannia Hotel close to 8 pm – having done a record 2 hours drive for a 45 minutes distance. By the time the doors were locked and we were starving. As we were wandering around looking totally lost and distressed we bumped on Lee Finley – yesssssss… we were there. Lee took us to Ian Fuller who was co-ordinating the event and the rest was history. We had made it! The meal was great (or as much of it as we managed to have having joined late). Nice relaxing atmosphere, chatting about anything and everything, drinks available from the bar next to ...
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