Robyn's Zebra Danio Page is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Robyn's Zebra Danio Page

Last Updated: 01/04/06

Four long-finned zebra danios in my 40 gallon tank on 7/18/00.

Short and Long-finned Zebra Danios, Blue Danios, Leopard Danios, and Gold (Albino Zebra) Danios

Quick Information
Description and Varieties
Setup and Water Preferences
Breeding - spawning, fry, my fish and fry, and interbreeding
Danios Chasing Other Fish
My Danios
Links and Pictures

For information on my current danios (types, ages, tank setup, etc.), visit my tank page.

See my new fire bar danio page!

Quick Information

Common names: Zebra danio, blue danio, leopard danio, gold or albino danio
Scientific/Latin names: Brachydanio rerio (zebra, blue, and albino danios) and Brachydanio "frankei" (leopard danio)
Maximum length: 1 to 2 inches
Colors: black, white, blue, yellow, brown, gold, etc.
Temperature preference: 65 to 75 degrees F, can withstand 50 to 100 degrees F
pH preference: 7
Hardness preference: Soft to moderate
Salinity preference: 1 Tablespoon per 10-30 gallons
Compatibility: Good but like to chase each other and similar small fish but rarely do any harm
Life span: 2 to 10 years
Ease of keeping: Easy
Ease of breeding: Easy if eggs separated from fish

Description and Varieties

A pair of blue danio ...

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