The Minnows Called Barbs,Danios & Rasboras is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Categories : , English, Aquarium, BARB - BARBUS, DANIOS,
Related FAQs: Barbs, Danios, Rasboras, Barbs, Danios, Rasboras 2, B,D,R Identification, B,D,R Behavior, B,D,R Compatibility, B,D,R Selection, B,D,R Systems, B,D,R Feeding, B,D,R Disease, B,D,R Reproduction,

Related Articles Cyprinids/Minnows,  /The Conscientious Aquarist  The Minnows Called Barbs, Danios & Rasboras   [email protected]  Green Tiger Barbs, Puntius tetrazona In the giant collection of fishes that are the minnows, there are species and sub-groupings that are real stalwarts in the aquarium interest. Where would we be without the various "sharks" and peculiar gudgeons, or goldfish and koi in all their varieties? Not to mention all the important food and forage minnow species in the wild. Here we'll cover three of the most important assemblages of minnows used by freshwater hobbyists; the Barbs, Danios and Rasboras, and give an overview of the entire minnow family. Like the African cichlids of different lakes, Rainbowfishes and Gouramis, each of these minnow groups has had its heyday; with aquarists anxiously following the latest discovery or breeding report of new species. But don't get me wrong; these fishes are far from passe; for hardiness, color and action, there are sizes, shapes and finnage for all freshwater set-ups. And new varieties ...

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