Gymnotus carapo (Banded Knifefish) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.
Gymnotus carapo (Banded Knifefish)Class:Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Order:Gymnotiformes (electric knifefishes, glass knifefishes, ghost knifefishes, nakedback knifefishes, sand knifefishes) Family:Gymnotidae Scientific Name:Gymnotus carapo Other Scientific Name(s):Gymnotus albus, Gymnotus fasciatus, Gymnotus brachiurus, Gymnotus putaol, Sternopygus carapus, Carapus macrourus Common Name:Banded Knifefish Other Common Names:Banded knifefish Distribution:Western Indian Ocean: Mozambique. Diet:Worms, insects, meat, fish, plant matter, dried food Temperament:It is aggresive towards other members of its own species, so the tank must be spacious and furnished with numerous roots to provide hiding places. Sexing: Breeding:The Banded Knifefish has not yet been bred in captivity. Special Care: Other Comments:It is mainly active at night when it comes out to feed. Species StatsMin. Tank Size:55 gallons Temperature:73-83 °F pH:6.8-7.2 Max Size:24 inches ...
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