Did you know?
- The genus name Xenomystus comes from the Greek words xenos meaning strange and mystax meaning whiskered.
- The word mystus was first used by Belon in 1553 to describe all fish with whiskers.
- The species name nigri comes from the Latin word nigri meaning to black or dark coloured. It can also mean bad luck.
-The Family name Notopteridae is derived from the Greek words noton meaning back and pteron meaning wing, fin.
- The African Knifefish was described by Gunther in 1868 as Notopterus nigri.
~ Xenomystus nigri became the valid scientific name in 1984.
- Xenomystus is a monotypic genus - nigri is the only species.
- These fish often make "clicking" sounds which can be heard when netting the fish. The African Knifefish also makes ba ...