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by John Sipes & Mark Weierman
First published in Fincinnati, the official newsletter of the Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society

These tiny critters are really not worms but rather nematodes. Nematodes are one of the most successful life forms on Earth, and there are over a thousand species of them adapted to live in everything and anything from the soil to the guts of other living creatures to oatmeal. They are extremely prolific and are slightly smaller than baby brine shrimp. It is the kind that likes oatmeal that we fish keepers are interested in here - they make a readily accepted, nutritious first food for small newborn fry. Larger fry, and even small adult fish (think Neons), and Cory cats will also eat them with gusto.

Mix up a batch of regular, unsalted oatmeal according to the directions on the box. We make ours a little thicker by adding less water than recommended and cooking an additional 15 seconds or so in the microwave. Put a 1/2" of the mixture in the bottom of a used margarine or Cool Whip tub, or any similar container that you may have, and let it cool to room temperature. The worms live on the surface, so putting more than a half-inch layer in the tub doesn't really help any. Add a spoonful of worms from an active culture as a starter. Keep the container covered to keep the flies out and the worms in (though a few small ho ...

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