Raising Vinegar Eels

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Vinegar eels are among of the easiest and most inexpensive of all live foods to raise. I have one culture that has been going for just over three years with no attention at all. Now, I don't recommend ignoring your live food cultures, but I think this shows just how durable these little creatures are. If you have time between raising fish with extremely small fry, the culture will be there when you need it. I have fed vinegar eels to killifish, rainbows, anabantids, livebearers, cichlids, and catfish fry.

To raise vinegar eels you need a glass container. I use quart spaghetti sauce jars, but any size will do. I know of one person who uses gallon drum fish bowls. Save the lids; I leave the lid on loosely to keep dust and insects out of the culture. The ingredients for the culture are apple cider vinegar, aged tap water (do not use aquarium water), a start from another culture, and a small piece of apple (optional). I use a 50/50 blend of the cider and aged tap water. If you have very hard tap water, you will need 60% vinegar. Be sure to use undistilled apple cider vinegar because no other vinegar will work as well. It takes two to three weeks at room temperature out of direct sunlight for the culture to product enough eels to begin feeding them to your fish.

When the culture is ready to harvest, you will need a small clear glass, a small funnel, a coffee filter, and an empty jar. Pour ...

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