Fundulopanchax gardneri N'Sukka is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Fundulopanchax gardneri N'Sukka
© Clint Norwood

Origin:   West Africa, Nigeria and Cameroon
Temp:  68 - 86°F (20 - 30°C)
pH:   6.5 - 8    dH:   Not critical
Temperament:   Somewhat peaceful with fish it's own size and larger. Competing males will put on a dazzling display when courting females.
Adult Size:  Up to 2½in   (6.25cm)
Minimum Tank Size:  2 gallon to 5 gallons for a trio
Feeding:  Best results with live foods, but will eagerly accept most standard Aquarium food.

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much larger picture. Breeding:  A Switch Spawning Killifish, with a dry incubation of around 3 weeks to a month, or wet incubation 14 to 21 days. N'Sukka is also an excellent killifish for a natural set-up. Large amounts of fry will appear in a well planted tank.
Comments:   May be the best "first killie" for anyone wanted to get started in the wonderful addictive hobby of keeping and spawning Killifish.
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