SUMATRA TIGER BARB/ BARBUS TETRAZONA is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

(Product Photo) Origin:IndonesiaPrice:Rp 1600/ekorPayment Method:Cashier OrderQuantity:as your needPack. & Delivery:BOX STYROFOAMSpecification:Barbus tetrazona
Origin: Sumatra, Thailand and Cambodia
Temp: 68 - 81°F (20 - 27°C)
pH: 6 to 7 dH: Soft
Temperament: Can be a fin nipper and shredder. You might not want to keep this "Tiger" with any small, docile or long finned fish. Experienced aquarist's have reported that they are able to keep them safely with other fish if they are kept in a shoal of 6 or more.
Also note that the 3 inches stated for the size of this fish is correct and they need plenty of space.
Adult Size: 3 in (7cm)
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallon
Feeding: All foods accepted
Breeding: Egglayer, scatters eggs in plants and gravel, eats it's own eggs
Comments: A very pretty fish, named for it's black stripes and for it's sometimes aggressive behavior. Likes company and makes a good schooling display. Tigers do better in groups of 6 or more, this seems to spread their natural agression among more individual fish so that no one fish gets the worst of it. This is a very beautiful fish, always active and on the move. They are a natural for planted tanks. ...
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