Gnathonemus petersii (Elephant Nose) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.
Gnathonemus petersii (Elephant Nose)Class:Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Order:Osteoglossiformes (bonytongues, elephantfishes, mooneyes, knifefishes, butterflyfish) Family:Mormyridae Scientific Name:Gnathonemus petersii Other Scientific Name(s):Mormyrus petersii, Gnathonemus petersi, Gnathonemus brevicaudatus, Gnathonemus histrio Common Name:Elephant Nose Other Common Names:Elephantnose fish Distribution:West Africa: from Niger to Congo River basins. Limited to the Lower Niger, in the Ogun, in the Cross River Basin and in the Upper Chari. Diet:These wonderful fish like to eat live foods such as brine shrimp, tubifex worms, and such like that. It is their natural food. I feed mine, however, dreeze-dried tubifex worms, and he likes it. They have to be reachable, though, as mine will not come to the top for food at all. Some people fed theirs flake food, but I don't recommend it. Mine would probably starve before he found it. Temperament:These fish are very timid, but a word to the wise - do not mix with other electric fish, such as black ghost knif fish or other elephant noses. They hate each other. This may not be the case with all, but it's a good idea to avoid the fish just mentioned. Mine is also very territorial to any other nocturnal, bottom dweller who tries to get in a cave. He thinks that the tank belongs to him and no one else. Sexing: Breeding:Not much is known about breeding as they really haven't done it in captivity (feel free to c ...
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