Marosatherina ladigesi (Celebes Rainbowfish) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Marosatherina ladigesi (Celebes Rainbowfish)Class: Order: Family: Scientific Name:Marosatherina ladigesi Other Scientific Name(s):Telmatherina ladigesi Common Name:Celebes Rainbowfish Distribution: Diet:Live fish, blood worms, glass worms, brine shrimp and tubifex worms. Frozen plankton, beef heart, brine shrimp, glass worms and blood worms, assorted vegetables such as peas or zucchini, freeze dried and flake foods. Temperament:Peaceful. Should be kept in groups of at least 3. Doesn't really school but loves company of its own kind. Very active, loves swimming space. Swims fast but doesn't really bother slower and smaller fish unless they can fit in their mouths. Sexing: Breeding:Egglayer, opinion on ease of breeding is split. Some experts say they're easy to breed, and some experts dispute this, pointing out that Celebese rainbows in stores are wild-caught. Sexing: the male will display brighter coloration on his body, and he has extended rays on his dorsal fin. Special Care: Other Comments:Celebes rainbows are a beautiful and fairly expensive fish. They add a lot of flair to any peaceful community tank. However, they are extremely delicate. Water conditions must be near perfect (totally cycled tank, nitrate under 20 ppm), though they're a little more forgiving on pH and hardness as long as it's semi-close to their tolerable range (pH: 7.0-7.4, H: 12). If your tank gets infected with a disease, Celebes rainbows are usually the first to go u ...
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