Size: Males often reach 4cm (1.5 in.). Females are somewhat larger and much heavier. Description: Both sexes have the typical coloration of a marigold platy, a clear yellow-gold body darkening to a yellow-red in the caudal peduncle and caudal (tail). Additionally, both sexes sport the "mickey mouse" pattern of a large black spot in the caudal peduncle (the head of the mouse) and two smaller spots, one each at top and bottom of the base of the caudal fin (the ears). Both sexes sport a hifin (elongated) dorsal, but the male's tends to be larger.
Environment: This fish tolerates pHs from 6.5 to 8.0 while preferring the higher end (basic) of this range. Water hardness is not critical, but it prefers hard water. Optimum temperature ranges from 20-30°C (68-85°F). Geographic Range: Th ...